Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Marmot come back

Mac  in  a  Gmail video conference  informed  me  about  the  new  tourist  info  centre  just  outside  of  Cumberland.  So  today  we  drove  there  and  looked  around.  Very  modern  and  fresh brand  new.  There is  a  plug-in for  your  electric car  while  you  look  around  inside  at  the  many  displays.  Salmon  fishing, sea foods  harvesting, mountain biking  and  kayaking  are  a few of  the  topics  covered.  Prov. BC  photo

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your blog via a cooking blog I subscribe to. Your photographs of the wildlife and birds in your area are wonderful! I'm a neighbor, sort of, in Washington State - so thanks for the tip on this new info centre. Keep up the good work.
